2023 Mobileheroes – Connectivity Innovation Challenge
Open Call for Proposal / Rules and Prizes
- Eligibility:
Startups and SMEs - On-line Registration: Submit a 5 page proposal or 10 page pitch deck + demo video
- Deadline to submit: 12:00pm (Taiwan Time, UTC+8) of June 30, 2023
- Criteria:
The 2023 edition of Mobileheroes – Connectivity Innovation Challenge aims at introducing the
revolutionary concepts of new businesses with high technological and innovative content – Startups
and SMEs, to the Taiwan ICT industry. The sectors we are focusing on are creative solutions/services
in the areas such as 5G, IoT, artificial intelligence etc.…
- The solutions/services must be realistic and feasible for expansion to a global market
- The solutions/services must have a business plan to commercialize
- A higher score will be given if the work is better developed and entails higher feasibility of
commercialization in Taiwan
- Prizes:
(1) Winners of the Gold Medal Award (USD 30,000 in cash prize) and Merit Awards (USD 15,000 in cash
(2) Short-listers will gain access to sponsor resources, workshops, mentorship and more, to facilitate
development of their product (solution) for the final judging/demo day in Oct. 2023
(3) Travel Reimbursement to attend the Award Ceremony and Exhibition (Date tbc, up to
For more information, please refer to 2023_Mobileheros slides.