Aeon Astron Europe B.V. and Biomimiq Grand Opening on Thursday July 4th 2013
Mr. Michael Lai and Mrs. Ingrid Vodegel hosted the opening of Aeon Astron Europe B.V.’s new premises on Thursday July 4th 2013 at the 4th floor of the J.H. Oortweg 19, 2333 CH in Leiden.
The Mayor of Online Casino Leiden, Mr. Henri Lenferink, officially opened the new premises.
The guests had the opportunity to visit the superb new lab facilities as well as learning more about the multi-facetted AAE B.V.
For more information about AAE B.V., please visit and
Source: by Dr. Valerie Hsu, Taiwan Globalization Network-TGN
Aeon Astron Europe B.V. Biomimiq Grand Opening Thursday July 4th 2013