Connect to the Future | 2022 Sports & Textile Industry Roadshow

According to Global Market Insights, digital health market worldwide reached over US$141.8 billion in 2020. It is expected to exceed US$426.9 billion in 2027, or 17.4% CAGR in the next five years. Main drivers behind this growth are “sports & leisure” and “healthcare”. Currently, 70% of functional textile products worldwide are produced in Taiwan. In this new world, sports are increasingly supported by technology. Ring-Con and virtual coaching have become the norm. It’s a key success factor to integrate sports, tech, and textile industries in product development and innovation. Sports & Textile Industry Roadshow will highlight latest trends in smart sports. Practical experiences and insights will look into business opportunities and applications. We invite you to reshape business models and new smart sports in the future in Taiwan.

根據Global Market Insights市場調查報告指出,全球數位健康市場預計2027年將來到4,269億美元,未來5年複合成長率將高達17.4%,市場增長歸因正是在於「運動休閒」與「健康照護」的雙軌加速。 目前全球機能性紡織品產量70%來自臺灣紡織業,在新時代的推進下,健身環、虛擬教練已成為日常,結合運動、科技與紡織多維產業的跨域整合與創新產品開發,將成為產業決勝關鍵! 【運動及紡織產業推廣說明會】將直指智慧運動最新發展趨勢,透過實戰經驗、心法傳承進一步剖析未來技術商機,促使產業有更多新的發展與想像、得以站穩臺灣未來智慧運動新浪潮。

【 Agenda 】 14:00-14:20 Digital Exercise 智慧運動新里程,攻佔互聯健身新藍海 Ben Wilde/喬山健康科技Global Director – Training & Education 14:20-14:40 OMO Integrate AI 數據監測,驅動居家健身生態新想像 陳愷昀/旺德賽斯 行銷長 14:40-15:00 Smart Textile Technology 居家運動瘋社交,時尚機能再躍昇 康琦婌/愛克智慧科技 行銷長 15:00-15:20 Taiwan Trade Shows : Smart Sports and Textile Industry 鄔筱羚/外貿協會展覽業務處 專員

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