【Date & Time】December 10th (Tue) , 2019-08:30~16:30(Start – 09:00)
【Venue】Taipei Tech Arena (TTA) – 3F/4F, No.2, Sec. 4, Nanjing East Rd., Songshan District, Taipei City (Taipei Arena)
臺北市松山區南京東路四段2號 (臺北小巨蛋3樓、4樓)
(Metro Green Line 綠色松山新店線,G17 Taipei Arena台北小巨蛋站,Exit 2)
08:30-09:00 Reception & registration
【Venue】TTA 3rd floor staircase
【Moderator】 Hsu-Wei Fang, Ph.D. 方旭偉教授 Distinguished Professor, National Taipei University of Technology, Founder, Biotegy Corporation (國立臺北科技大學 化學工程與生物科技系, 方策創辦人)
09:00-09:10 Welcome & Opening Remarks
09:00➟ Opening by Dr. Hsu-Wei Fang
09:03➟ MOST Vision program – focus on international cooperation for startups and innovation / Dr. Te Yi Chan 國家實驗研究院創新創業推動組 詹德譯組長 (Director of Innovation & Entrepreneurship Promotion Division – STPI of NARLabs)
【1】 09:10 ➟ Inviting Taiwan to build Future Health together with Utrecht & The Netherlands / Jelle van der Weijde (Director Domain Health Economic, Economic Board Utrecht 烏特勒支經濟委員會健康經濟總監)
09:17 ➟ Group photo

09:25 -10:40 Health forum “Building Future Health Together”
【2】09:25 ➟ Healthy Urban Living in Utrecht Region 烏得勒支地區的健康城市生活 / Dr. Freek L. van Muiswinkel, PhD | Director External Affairs Utrecht Life Sciences | Utrecht Science Park, Director – Life & Science, Economic Board Utrecht
【3】09:45 ➟ Build Future Health together for happiness and welfare 共創幸福健康的未來健康產業 / Hsu-Wei Fang, Ph.D. Distinguished Professor, National Taipei University of Technology, Founder, Biotegy Corporation (國立臺北科技大學 化學工程與生物科技系, 方策創辦人)
【4】10:05 ➟EBU Health Hub Utrecht and possibilities for startups, existing and new RAPID programs 2020 烏得勒支匯聚健康產業對新創企業的機會:RAPID-HEALTH2020 / Jelle van der Weijde (Director Domain Health Economic, Economic Board Utrecht 烏特勒支經濟委員會健康經濟總監)
10:25 ➟Panel discussion 如何建立跨境合作以改善未來的醫療保健?How to build cross border cooperation to improve future healthcare? (Dr. Fang, Dr. Wang, Dr. Joung, Dr. Muiswinkel)
【5】10:40 ➟ Taiwan Health Promotion Service Industry Development
台灣健康促進產業發展現況 / Ming-Wei, Huang 黃名瑋研究員 & Dr. Chien-Pin, Wang 王建彬 副院長 (Research Fellow/Vice president, Commerce Development Research Institute (CDRI) 財團法人商業研究院)
【6】11:05 ➟ Future lab : Dutch Medical EXPO Zorg and ICT 荷蘭智能醫療保健展介紹/ Dr. Valerie Hsu 許秀芳 (Tiger Accelerator 台荷加速器、Taiwan Globalization Network, TGN 台灣企業國際化協助網絡)
11:20 – 11:30 Q&A
11:30- 13:00 Lunch networking
13:00- 15:30 Access to market through RAPID 2020
【Venue】TTA Room 411 (4th floor)
【Moderator】Jelle van der Weijde
13:00 ➟ Welcoming remarks / Jaap Breugem
【7】13:05 ➟ RAPID Health Meerkat program : audience is startups with interest in RAPID Health / Jelle van der Weijde
【8】13:15 ➟ TIGER Accelerator support package in Taiwan 在台可提供的服務方案 / Dr. Valerie Hsu 許秀芳
【9】13:30 ➟ RAPID Health Access to market programs, incl gap analysis進入歐洲市場計劃,包括差距分析 / Jelle van der Weijde
【10】Entrepreneurship Promotion Division 科技部預見新創如何幫助創/ Julia Wan (Narlabs 國研院科政中心)
【11】Project of Subsidies & Incentives For Taipei Industry 臺北市產業獎勵補助介紹 / Gasper Chen (SITI 計畫辦公室)
【12】14:30 ➟ Start Challenge on next RAPID-Health2020: topics and TRL (Technology readiness level) / Jelle van der Weijde
15:00 ➟ Alumni pitches testimonial (RAPID-Health 2019 校友經驗分享)
15:30- 16:30 Networking event -Demo , pitches, matchmaking
【Contact 】Dr.Valerie Hsu / tgn@taiwanglobalization.net;
The speaker’s slides: