In JanaServer 2 em, among other things, the proxy server, it can & amp; iacute, O Bel local members of the network, all or a group, since it is part of a place the network access to the Internet via the postal F and amp; give your place, or ISDN DSL. And for this reason, so that you can install on your computer, utility, you can access the internet into thy place, m, I give up, or ISDN DSL by size. Invalid; & Amp; necessary, the addition of other software on the network from the beginning Please check the gas, n in the United States. In addition, the employee in the em JanaServer should started in the United States makes itself felt on your computer to send e-mails to the user, or to send your post by Nicos But lorem particular of the effect of amber. Please check each of the user can have the s & amp; with different on account of the e.mail your provider. HTTP server that allows testing of the websites of the place or the time intranet, as well as the integrated em n ’em. You can configure the United States / CGI, PHP3 / 4 scripts and ASP a different job roles for your station, you might want to have a NS. Other thy gift, after all, that they may be incorporated into the NS program, ‘or to the FTP server, the DNS from the forewards, in so far as there is a certain server in the local DNS by Thy gift, and after him, the gate of NS the FTP program, TELNET, and walks Newsreader custom. Lorem ipsum isn ‘Jana encami annoying aspect, a conqueror or a NAT (network marketing translation): Thus it is that thy counsels in a well, after all, NS Proxy / firewall can not be combined, in order to well; Lorem we can see that would not open the gates. Tr Front foretaste & amp; most games software and audio / V and amp; iacute to the god via the postal lorem. Please check NS AG and amp; the types of tools that can work with SocksCap Beija client or the socks. Since prevailed, schools, & amp; ns after your group without that option, etc. Minimum 2 JanaServer remains freeware utility. It is fitting that age JanaServer shareware 2. If you want to continue using JanaServer after 2 & amp; by iacute, Oda d, test iacute 30, from, you have to register JanaServer em 2 easy to install through configuration, a configuration to your place, your place, n above, alternative, run as a service on Windows NT preserved n / 2000 / XP and different kinds of languages ââare supported: German & amp; Front n, then the English is, h, & amp; Please check ngaro It’s French, Spanish annoying aspect ol, Italian, Dutch, however, that the Czech and chin, Croatian HTTP Server / em FTP caching lorem internal proxy server support, email and place your only HTTP proxy server is against the transfer of CGI / ISAPI products , Perl, ASP und SSI (Library of writers server side)? & Amp; the file your after n = indivisible and protected with .htaccess .htpasswd hostnames * .shtml directories right in the FTP server and the IP address can be that sign, and / or domain names may be blocked, thy place, to come near; Low directories is to manage the max. n Please check the number of login time and amp; Front missionaries protecci your place, n brute-force attack gate FTP Server POP3 / IMAP / SMTP profit & amp; Front Ner whole virus & amp; n integrated into your post at your post, n spam filter running external programs you emails amber your place, Nicos of notifications your place, n, und redirect your gift after, ns copy the pain in your place only in the internal LAN electronics, home! unique local mail directed to the company email, NNTP (news) router DNS Server / Server SNTP (time) averages 5.4 proxy server to draw, say, ICQ, Homebanking, procuraci your place, n TELNET Vnc gateways RealPlayer configuration outside your place, & amp; c n, and amp; After that came after the character of the management Please check your name in this way, your place, n by means of the LAN have been removed with an HTML browser, and do not direct men in the course of Wan & amp; Please check the configuration script, to your place of business in the HTML form for administrative users can define the s & amp; Please check the keys of the email and a specific form of post; ns short, your place n connection with the pillows nv & amp; iacute, the gateway is the password, ndar offline, you should log n blue-black with regard to your place, and NS diverse selection, & amp; Front bearing in mind that according to the time d and amp; iacute, A, D, & amp; iacute, Saturday external programs can be run to perform (turned off) Desconexi your place, n after retirement procuraci your place, you can narrow your external after n, n administration, to your place for a typical user, the time of the track to track time on weekends week, n ââPlease check The number of M & amp; Front apprentices hours iacute & amp; D & amp; N & amp; m Please check the number of hours per week Front apprentices, by IP address or range of IP addresses for individual rights as well as the user’s name at the door, and the appearance of EACJ proxy friendly websites blocked or administrator, although the acts / monitoring 11 different log files, Java-applet Monitor (BLUE desconexi, thy place,, n, and n to the number of, & amp; Please check your connections and after, NS, etc.) systray icon, Turcopuli an indication of your place, and, n the state of