October 6 – Everything about getting older healthy in the Diakonessenhuis Information Market National Elderly Day
QOCA home hub attracted high level attention by all participants.
QOCA home pilot, conducted by QOCA Europe and Community Information Point Utrecht Oost, is welcome by the elderly in Utrecht Oost.
On Friday the 6th of October is the National Elderly Day.
The Diakonessenhuis devotes special attention to healthy aging on this day. Visitors can visit an information market from 13:00 to 17:00 for measuring their muscle strength and a memory test. Younger visitors can experience what it’s like to be old with a special suit. Careers of the Diakonessenhuis and organizations from the region provide information about the importance of moving and how to do it, good oral care, healthy eating, home care, fall prevention and activities organized in the district.
Take care of the elderly in the Diakonessenhuis
In the Diakonessenhuis we are specialized in care for the elderly. At our nursing department of Parental Medicine we have been providing care for elderly elderly people for ten years. In recent years, care for elderly people has been expanded with a day care clinic for age-related research, a special section for the elderly with a broken hip and deployment of geriatric expertise in all departments of the hospital. But rather, we do not have the elderly in the hospital. Therefore, during the information market on October 6, we spend special attention on how to grow healthy and stay independently at home as long as possible.
Source: https://www.diakonessenhuis.nl/Pub/nieuws/over-ons-nieuws-2017/over-ons-nieuws-2017-September/6-oktober—Alles-over-gezond-ouder-worden-in-het-Diakonessenhuis.html