Trade and Innovation mission Taiwan 2024

1 – 8 December 2024

Organized by Taiwan Globalisation Network

Supported by ROM Utrecht Region

Future of Healthcare in an aging society

Mission Taiwan brochure in the link


The Taiwan Globalization Network (TGN) offers a trade and innovation mission to Taiwan from 1 till 8 December 2024. Together with the ROM Utrecht region, TGN provides already for many years support for Taiwanese startups to start and grow business in Europe (starting in Utrecht region) via the Rapid Health program.

Goal of the mission

  • The goal of the mission is to bring companies and organisations together to discuss products and innovations for transforming healthcare in an ageing society. 
  • The mission is to explore and gain a foothold in new markets, and to establish valuable contacts for leads and possible cooperation, both in Taiwan as well as in the Netherlands. 
  • We do this by visiting several innovative hospitals , accelerators, companies and the International Medical EXPO. During these appointments parties can seek out potential buyers and sellers. 


  • Health care distributors
  • Digital health platform 
  • Elderly care professionals
  • Investors, venture capitals
  • System integrators for healthcare
  • Community builders

Itinerary Day 0/1 – November 30/December 1

November 30: Leave Schiphol, Departure 11.00

December 1: Arrive Taoyuan International Airport at 6.35 Transportation to hotel in Hsinchu

Itinerary Day 2 – December 2

December 1: Morning : Visit Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

Topics : Largest hospital chaping the future with Smart hospital care and AI

Afternoon : Visit Linkou Chang Gung Health & Cultural Village

Topics : Technology and Social innovation combined with land and building reshaping

Evening : Dinner with Rapid Health alumni (startups) and Night-market

Itinerary Day 3 – December 3

Morning : Visit Hsinchu biomedical science parc incubation center and ITRI (Taiwan TNO)

Topics : Smart innovations and entrepreneurship cooperation for future health

Afternoon : Visit CMU hospital

Topics : Future health solutions and AI in daily practise

Evening : Travel to Taipei / small dinner

Itinerary Day 4 – December 4

Morning : Visit Taipei Medical University hospital

Topics : Smart hospital care and AI in daily practise

Afternoon : Visit BioTrack/BioHub

Topics : Future of life science and stimulating entrepreneurship

Side program : visit Top Noble elderly care

Evening : Dinner with CDRI and Netherlands Office Taipei

Itinerary Day 5 – December 5

•Whole day Healthcare EXPO

•Matchmaking 1-1.

•Trade and relations meetings

•Innovation lectures

•Evening : Dinner Soteria and AI solutions

Itinerary Day 6 – December 6

Whole day Healthcare EXPO

Matchmaking 1-1.

Trade and relations meetings

Late afternoon : Matchmaking drinks / networking

Evening : Dinner Taipei 1-0-1

Itinerary Day 7 – December 7

Morning: Check out and leave suitcases at Hotel

Culture: Mountain and Taipei Zoo

Transport to Taoyuan Airport and dinner

Departure at midnight to Amsterdam

Day 7/8: Arrive at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport

Last day of the mission is free time and cultural time . We will visit the world famous Taipei Zoo with its very animal friendly design and beautiful landscaping.

Later the day we will take the train to Taoyuan airport and have last dinner before we leave for return flight.

Interested? Please download Mission Taiwan brochure in the link